Easily query JSON files with Notebooks by converting them to temporal tables in Apache Spark using Spark SQL.
Azure Synapse Analytics Notebooks
Explore the key features of Azure Synapse Analytics Notebooks. Learn how to combine languages in Notebooks.
Create Parquet Files in Azure Synapse Analytics Workspaces
Create Parquet files out of the Adventure Works LT database with Azure Synapse Analytics Workspaces using Azure Data Factory.
Azure Synapse Analytics and Apache Spark
A comprehensive guide to creating an Apache Spark pool, one of the Analytic Runtimes, in your Azure Synapse Analytics workspaces.
Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless Introduction
An introduction to Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless databases. A general overview of how the offering works and how it compares to others on the market.
Build Power BI Reports in Azure Synapse Analytics
A look into building Power BI Reports in Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Workspaces. A tutorial on how to use these services together.
Create Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API
With Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB you can get near real-time insights on operational data without affecting your operational data store.
Azure Synapse Analytics Monitor Hub
Azure Synapse Analytics Studio Monitor Hub allows you to monitor your workspace pipeline orchestration, activities and SQL or Apache Spark resource usage.
The Synapse Analytics Monitor Hub offers the following options:
Orchestration (same experience as in Azure Data Factory)